Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Who Has Influenced Me

It is difficult to say who has been influential to me because there are many people who have influenced me in different ways. But someone who has influenced me in a way that no one else has was my music teacher.

Not only did she teach me to sing and dance, but she taught me to never give up no matter how hard life may get. Because of her, my family and I are where we are today. She helped us as much as she could when times were rough in our family. I remember her telling me that I should never feel upset or angry because of where I lived, or because of what others thought of me.

She taught me to be strong at all times and to keep my head held high no matter what. Most importantly, she taught me not to feel pity for others as well as for myself. I can definitely say that pity is the worst feeling, and to me, pity will not take you far in life.

I thank her for not feeling sorry for my family, and for helping us in a way that has made my family stronger than ever. Her words of wisdom really touched our hearts and we were so lucky to have met someone like her. She always tried to make us feel better and has made an immense impact on our lives.

She has definitely influenced me to help others the way she did. I will look up to her always and remember how great of a teacher and guider she was to my family and I. She has showed me to never put myself down no matter how hard life may get. I wish I could see her again and tell her how much we appreciate what she has done for my family, and how she has influenced and impacted my life. She is a wonderful person and I give her much gratitude for what she has done.

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